It is truely hard to say, where the Lambs of Robeson County came from at this point. Some say they came over from England,
and others say from Ireland. Which ever area they came from, It is greatly felt that they came over from England. I
would like to trace the orgin inwhich they first settled in the united states. The Lambs of Robeson County starts
back into the 1700 hundreds,or earlier, and has branched out from there. Many stayed in the area, others moved futher south
into South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and on west ward. They settled in to the area called Hog Swamp,
which at the time was in Bladen County, later Balden county split into what is now Robeson County. Hog Swamp is located in
Fairmont,N.C. which is located on Highway 41.
List of Surnames
Lamb Lamm Lam