The Lambs
Campbell Lamb, 1760 Needham Lamb, 1786 - 1869 Thomas Lamb, 1824
- 1873 James Lamb, 1828 Peter Lamb, 1830 - 1864 Sarah Elander Lamb, 1832 D. Benton Lamb, 1837 - 1862
is a list of Lambs that I will start with. You will find them listed on seperate pages on this site.
Campbell Lamb, Searching for information on Campbell Lamb
born: 1760. was on the 1791 deed book in Robeson County, N.C. was married and had four boys, all of Robeson County, N.C. any
information that you might have and would share would be most helpful.
Privacy/Security Issues
I asked all of my living relatives for permission to include information about them on this site. Some did not want their
information published on the web, and others preferred I not include certain types of information (for example, birth dates).
In all cases I have respected their wishes.